Rabbit Buster – 2021

The Buloke and Northern Grampians Landcare Network received a grant from the Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN) to conduct two rabbit management workshops and a survey in the Avon Plains – Banyena Landcare Group area.  

Rabbit warren – erosion damage at Walker’s Lake

The first workshop was conducted at Walkers Lake on Monday 15th for local landholders and focussed on methods to detect and record rabbit activity (using Rabbit Scan/Feral Scan).   Since then, work has commenced to undertake the survey around some of the areas where rabbits are known to already exist.  In the next few weeks, further work will be conducted to develop our ‘rabbit buster map’ further.

The second workshop, to be held in the area, will be held on Monday 29th March.  In partnership with the Northern Grampians Shire, Ag Vic (Ballarat) and potentially VRAN, this workshop will cover control and monitoring; including demonstrations of warren ripping.

Contact us if you’d like to be involved!

Recording an extensive rabbit warren, using RabbitScan, at Walker’s Lake

Useful Resources:

VRAN Resource Page


FeralScan – Rabbit Resources

Agriculture Victoria – Integrated Rabbit Control